He must prove that he has worked on a large number of cases in practice in the respective field and that he has to take part in an annual training course. Rechtsanwalt Stuttgart West Mietrecht The fact that the small-scale settlement geography in the rural area of Baden-Württemberg makes it necessary to keep a car is also common among people there, who consider themselves to be very environmentally conscious, to the idiom. The extent to which this will have consequences for the motorized private transport commuting to Stuttgart from the surrounding villages and hamlets remains to be seen - because every major city in the world, especially at weekends, looks at the motor vehicle users from the surrounding areas with a critical eye. Lawyers who deal with traffic law often represent their clients in cases in which they have to answer for negligent bodily harm. Come in addition, that before the driver's license is issued again, a medical-psychological examination, commonly known as the MPU or idiot test, must be completed. As a rule, lawyers who focus on traffic law will bring not only profound legal knowledge but also a special understanding of the technical context or are characterized by intensive examination, for example, of the course of accidents and critically appreciate the work of the experts.
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