Lawyer and specialist lawyer for traffic Law, tenancy law and residential property law. I support you in these areas of law Traffic law Criminal law Tenancy law Residential property law Insurance law. Rechtsanwalt Mietrecht Stuttgart Tenancy law is part of civil law in Germany and is intended to protect landlords and tenants. Tenancy law is one of the most comprehensive areas of law in Germany. It thus offers an immense potential for conflict for legal differences between tenants and landlords. Legal differences with the landlord are particularly serious for the tenant of an apartment. If there is a dispute with the landlord, then it comes to the center of the tenant's life, his apartment. The tenancy law related to living space differs significantly from the regulations for renting commercial space (shops, warehouses, etc.). The case law also keeps this area of law in constant motion in both areas. Reliable legal advice in this area is therefore often essential. Tenancy law generally regulates individual questions regarding an existing rental agreement between the tenant and the landlord.
For example, it is important for the tenant when an apartment is defective and under what circumstances he is entitled to reduce a rent. Another frequently asked question concerns the possibility of moving out before a notice period has expired if a new tenant is provided. Or: What rights are derived from the rental agreement? Have the ancillary costs or operating costs been billed correctly?
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