We understand how much
depends on your case for you. It is therefore important to us to give you a
realistic assessment in advance. Rechtsanwalt Mietrecht Stuttgart Based on
this advice, you decide how to proceed. Almost everyone is involved in a
tenancy agreement as a landlord or tenant, at least at times during their life.
A wide variety of difficulties and challenges can arise. A lawyer, ideally a
specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law, can support
landlords and tenants in all questions of residential tenancy law and
commercial tenancy law, be it through good advice, in the form of
solution-oriented out-of-court representation or, if this cannot be avoided,
also through smart and proactive litigation. Tenancy law is complex. Just like
life itself. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a tenant,
drafting a suitable rental agreement or lease agreement, and when handing over
the rental property. But even during the rental period, there may be disputes
between tenants and landlords in the case of leases for living space as well as
for commercial space, for example about defects, the deposit, operating costs,
the rent or a rent increase. Problems often arise in connection with the
termination of a tenancy. While termination is often contractually excluded
under commercial tenancy law, an apartment can usually be terminated by the
tenant within a few months. The landlord, on the other hand, needs a reason for
termination in housing rental law.
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