For over 35 years we have
been helping people clarify their family law problems. We generally recommend
timely contractual arrangements. Rechtsanwalt Familienrecht Stuttgart In the event of a conflict, we first try to
find an out-of-court solution. Often there are direct discussions with the other
side. If all extrajudicial efforts have failed, we represent our clients before
the family courts of the competent local courts and higher regional courts
throughout Germany. Alternatively, we also offer neutral mediation for spouses
or life partners. Whether it's a marriage contract, divorce, alimony or custody
- in family law it depends on a lawyer who represents your interests with
empathy, instinct and negotiation skills. Your legal question is in good hands
with a lawyer from MTR Rechtsanwälte. You benefit from lawyers who keep a cool
head even in emotionally difficult situations. Every divorce is preceded by
separation. Before you take concrete steps towards separation, for example
moving out of the common property, you should consult with a lawyer.
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